Photo Prints

Glossy Prints

Photo Prints are the lowest priced and most common prints we offer. These photo prints are equivalent to the prints you would receive from the corner drug store, Walmart or many mail-order printing stores. The difference being that our prints are higher quality than the prints you would get elsewhere, are all color-calibrated to insure that your prints will accurately reflect the color of your images, and are archival rated right from the get-go.


Archival Rated - A print that is archival rated will last 100 years or more with proper handling. What is proper handling? Proper handling (and indeed - proper display) is not exposing the print to strong direct sunlight for any longer than necessary.

Our photo prints are available in 4 distinct surface finishes:

  • Glossy - Glossy prints have a high degree of shine - almost a mirror-like shine - in the surface of the print. An Example paper that we offer here is the Hewlett Packard Everyday Glossy paper.
  • Satin/Luster - Satin/Luster prints have the shine of the print reduced quite a bit. The shine is still present but is not so overpowering as to be distracting. Example papers that we offer in this finish include the Hewlett Packard Everyday Satin and the Breathing Color Satin papers.
  • Metallic - Metallic prints have a unique layering effect in the paper that can combine with the colors of your image to produce a near 3-Dimensional effect in the printed image. We offer the Epson Metallic Glossy paper in this category.
  • Matte - Matte prints have no shine to them at all and is the only paper we offer in the Photo Prints category that are not archival rated. The paper we offer in this category is the Epson Enhanced Matte.

Capabilities - Our printer is 44" wide. We can create prints as small as 1/4" x 1/4" and can easily print to any fractional size up to a maximum of 43.4" wide (the printer has mechanical limits that prevent it from reliably printing on that last .6".) As long as your print has 1 side that is 43.4" or smaller, we can print your image without a problem.

To start your print order, click the blue Get Started link at the top of the page