Welcome to PRGPrinting.us

High Quality Photo Printing for all photographers - amateur and professional!

PRGPrinting is a home-based small business located in Westland Michigan. We offer photo printing services for all customers across the entire United States. Whether you need a wallet-sized print, a huge 40x60 print or something inbetween, let PRGPrinting be your source for all your high-quality photo printing needs!

We offer photo prints, fine-art prints and poster prints to name just a few.

Photo Prints
PRGPrinting - 20x30 photo print we ran recently Photo Prints are typically offered in either a satin or a glossy finish. A metallic finish is also available to give your prints added depth. Photo Prints are what you would typically receive from your neighborhood drugstore or warehouse store photo department. Photo prints are also typically your least expensive photo printing option. At PRGPrinting, we offer photo prints on Epson Premium photo papers as well as Hewlett Packard Everyday Photo Papers.

Fine Art Prints
PRGPrinting - a custom matted and framed fine-art print A fine-art print is one typically created from higher-grade paper than your regular photo print. Fine art prints are typically created for exhibits or art shows. A fine art print also typically needs to have a matte and frame added to complete the presentation of the print. Fine art prints are often referred to as archival grade prints meaning that with proper handling, a fine art print will last over 100 years. At PRGPrinting, we offer fine art prints on papers from Epson, Hewlett Packard, Breathing Color and Moab.

Canvas Prints
PRGPrinting - A 3-print canvas sitting in our office A canvas print - also known as a Gallery-wrapped Canvas Print - is a high quality art print, printed on an archival-grade canvas, and wrapped/mounted around a wooden stretcher frame. This gives the canvas print a 3-dimensional appearance to it. The sides of the canvas print are typically printed with a "mirroring" effect to give the print an added depth to it. Canvas prints are also typically coated with a Ultraviolet light protective coating to protect the print for a lifetime. Canvas prints can be printed as multiple pieces to help with filling out a wall space. PRGPrinting offers canvas prints on material from Hewlett Packard, Epson and Breathing Color.